SMART Train- Quiet Zone Community Meetings
Dear Neighbors,
The San Rafael City Council SMART Subcommittee will hold three community meetings on the topic of Quiet Zones. The purpose of the meetings is to learn about what Quiet Zones are, understand what benefits and risks are associated, and to move closer as a community to deciding how we want to proceed.
The three meetings (identical in content) will be:
August 27, 7 - 9 p.m. at San Rafael Community Center (618 B Street)
September 18, 7 - 9 p.m. at City Hall (1400 Fifth Avenue)
September 29, 7 - 9 p.m. at Terra Linda Community Center (670 Del Ganado Road)
A "Quiet Zone" is a place where a train operator is not required to blow the train horn, as it approaches vehicular or pedestrian crossings unless there is a hazard on the tracks. The horn will still sound its horn in the event of a safety emergency as well as upon leaving a station. To be eligible for this designation, specific alternative safety improvements must be installed at intersections.
If the City doesn't get enough feedback in favor of quiet zones, they won't spend the money. We think it is important for our neighborhood for folks to attend these meetings.
MARA, Montecito Area Residents Association