High School Students Join Neighbors in Cleanup
Dear Neighbors, The Montecito Area Residents Association (MARA) is collaborating with the San Rafael High School to provide a service...

PUMPKIN PARTY SUNDAY OCT 22, 2023, 1 - 4 pm
Sunday 22nd 1 pm to 4pm 208 Union St. The Deamers will be hosting the Annual Neihborhood Pumpkin Party on their front lawn on the corner...

Come to National Night Out 2022!
We are proud to be hosting a National Night Out event again this year and every year on the lawn on Tuesday, Aug. 2, starting at 6:30pm...

Mara Newsletter - July 2017
The July MARA newsletter is jam packed with great information, including: National Night Out in our neighborhood (Tuesday August 1) Recap...

MARA Annual Meeting 2017
Date: Thurs June 15th Time: 7:00 PM promptly til 8:30 PM Location: Aldersly Danish Home at 326 Mission Ave @ Mary Street in Hendriks...
MARA Response: SRHS Environmental Impact Report
The MARA board (Montecito Area Residents' Association) has extensively reviewed the 400+ page Environmental Impact Report created for the...
MARA Newsletter: May 2016 Edition
Click here to see the May 2016 Edition of the MARA newsletter.
20th Annual MARA Meeting: May 18
Please join us at the 20th Annual Montecito Area Residents Association Meeting WHEN: Wednesday, May 18 7:00-8:30PM WHERE: Aldersly, 326...

PG&E Clean-up Site
In fall 2015, PG&E began a year-long environmental cleanup project in downtown San Rafael to remove contaminated soil, clearing the way...